what happens in vegas stays in vegas
DUDE....I couldn't buy a t-shirt that said that. Really. I didn't earn it.
they didn't have those t-shirts in Ontario...
do you know that the first night I was there(in Niagara falls),
I was wearing a mini-skirt with no panties...when my "date" bent over to tie his shoe, I shoved my shit in his face. in the middle of the street. people were appalled. Charlotte said I was gonna get us kicked out of the country....
I looked hot.... No official HNT.
and yes, I am using pics from her page. I'm drunk writing this. I can be tanked and still give peace a chance, don't you think? For Pete's sake ( I just had a blind date with a guy named pete...which, ironically, is the name of my first...ooooohhhhh ahhhhh love...he dumped me because I was poor)anyway. say what you will...but sunday, I'm leaving for the rainforest, so that I can do my part for our planet.